Wednesday, December 29, 2010

POST 21 - An Example of Transfer

by William W. Orr, A.B., M.A., Th.B., D.D.. Pastor and Teacher.

     Lest there be those ho say, "How can this be?  It has never happened before,"  our answer is to remind them of a most wonderful incident recorded in the Old Testament.

     A man named Enoch, the seventh in line from Adam, lived before the Flood.  The Bible records that he was a prophet who proclaimed the coming of the Lord in power and great glory (Jude 14, 15).  But the truly remarkable thing about him was the manner of his transfer to heaven without dying.

     As we examine Genesis 5, we realize the naturalness of death.  Men and women are born, produce children, and then die.  This process is repeated indefinitely until we come to Enoch, whose son Methuselah was born when Enoch was 65 years of age (Gen.5:19-24).  Perhaps at the birth of this child there was some special revelation from God, for it appears that an abrupt change occurred in Enoch's life.  From that time on he "walked with God," and for the next three hundred years he enjoyed this remarkable fellowship with his God.

     Walking with God was not commonplace in that day.  The tragic circumstances that brought on the judgment of the Flood were building up because men were walking in their own sinful ways without regard for God.  In contrast, Enoch pleased God.  This was possible because Enoch knew that God lived and that He rewarded those who diligently sought Him (Heb.11:5,6).

     What actually happened?  One day Enoch was translated abruptly into heaven without dying.  His body was instantly changed into a heavenly body; his mind was enlarged for divine truth; his ears were enable to hear celestial truth and his eyes to see the sights in glory.  God brought about these changes without the use of sickness, death, or the grave.  Enoch did not die.

     By the limitless power of God, one moment Enoch was walking with God on this earth and the next moment he walking with God in heaven.  This is the great demonstration of God's power over death and the foreshadowing of the soul-thrilling event of the Rapture of the church.  It is as if God were saying, 'Do not doubt the coming translation of the said of the Church.  Look at the miracle of Enoch and believe."

     No one know the day or hour of Christ's return, not even the angels in heaven who gladly perform the will of God.  The reason is that God expects us to be rady all the time.  We are to live each minute as if our transfer into God's glory might occur the next moment.  As a matter of fact, it may.
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