Thursday, December 23, 2010

POST 22 - To Sum It All Up

by William W. Orr, A.B., M.A., Th.B., D.D.. Pastor and Teacher.

     Our quest has been to determine exactly what happens in the first few minutes after death.  It is no secret what happens on this side of death.  Sickness, sudden physical failure, an accident, or simply senility overtake an individual.  Usually there is a limitation of activities; the person takes to his bed; the heart stops, the breathing ceases, the ceases; the eyes no longer see.  The moment of death has come and the curtain rings down on this earthly life.  But at this instant where is the person?  What is happening to him?  What is his condition?

     Due perhaps to careless interpretation of certain Biblical passages, to use of "poetic license" with the truth, or to recourse to rather inaccurate hymnology, false ideas, actually heresies, in regard to death have developed.  Some have maintained that the soul sleeps till the final resurrection day.  Others have written darkly of the valley of the shadow through which the soul must grope.  A prevalent thought has been that there is an undefined river through which the soul is propelled to the other side.  A certain island of happiness supposedly can be reached by "crossing the bar."  The careful examination of the accounts of the death of children of God, however, reveal no such uncertain, fearful, lonely experience of death awaiting a Christian.

     The essence of a Christiana's death is that of a graduation.   Life has been a school.  Lessons have been learned.  Much attention has been paid to study.   Examinations have been given, but all is now past. In the perfect will of God, a believer has attained the experience and knowledge of important truths.  Now comes the day of his graduation.  He will be promoted to life - the exceedingly abundant life.  All preparations have been made.  The full and complete arrangements to transfer the soul into celestial realms have all been completed.  This is an important event.  And the most blessed truth is that it is an important event to God as well.

      True, death has an enemy.  Death came in the beginning as a result of sin.  But was wrought its penalty.  After a person has died, death can do no more.  God has made the other side of death to be glorious indeed.    It is like the dark cloud with a silver lining, only this is a golden lining. sparkling with diamonds.  At death there is the open door into immeasurable bless, which only the heart of God could plan and only the power of God could make possible.

     Apparently the moment of death does not bring any sudden wrench or rending of the spirit as the soul leaves the body.  Actually it seems as if a person does not even miss the body or is aware that it has been left behind.  There appears to be perfect freedom of movement.  Almost instantly the the Lord provides another body, a celestial body much as the agnels have.  Such a spiritual body offers amazing possibilities of expression and locomotion.  While this is not a permanent body for all eternity, it is entirely adequate for the interim.

     Consequently, an individual who has died is instantly able to see everything with perfect ease and to hear all the heavenly sounds with unlimited ability.  Only these new eyes and ears are naturally geared to universal usage.  The mental capacity is suddenly enlarged to an infinite degree and the memory vivified.  Only reasoning is on an infinite scale, and all things are viewed from the vantage point of heavenly wisdom.  For instance, the one who is newly "alive" is conscious of what happens  on earth, but sees everything in the light of the perfection wisdom of the Lord's plan.

     Possibly God gives special garments of grace and glory.  Our dear Lord left His burial garments in the tomb of Joseph, but when seen by His dear ones, He was fully clothed.  We know , too, that God is interested in garments for most magnificent rolbes of righteousness will be provided at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

     Our first introduction to heavenly beings is to the angels.  As physical eyes are closed in physical death, spiritual eyes open in new life, and there they are.  They are sublime creatures who are to escort Christians through death's gates into the paradise of God.  Nor is this a time-consuming journey.  It takes only a celestial instant to be whisked from the place of death into the awesome presence of the God of all the ages.  Although our new minds can scarcely comprehend it, our new years will gaze upon the throne of almighty God our heavenly Father.

     What do angels look like?  Evidently from the accounts in Scripture their bodies are fashioned like human bodies.  Some at least, have wings.  We must remember that the fashion of the human body will prevail as a pattern of heaven.  Our Lord Jesus Christ , who is the very King of glory, is eternally existent in His boy that was seen following His resurrection.  Possibly the bodies of angels are also fashion this way.  And we know our will be.

     We cringe at the thought of standing in the presence of a holy God and looking into His face.  Our natural instinct -- as was that of holy men and wmen of days gone by -- would be to run and hide from His sinlessness and glory.  But we must remember that God will put within us the conviction that as we reach heaven we have come home.  Heaven is ours rightfully by His grace;  those mansions were purchased by the blood of our Savior.  And lest we stand in paradise awed and frightened beyond expression, we shall see the Savior who presents us to the Father.

     What does Jesus Christ look like?  Earthly artists have endeavored to portray Him, buth what artist's brush can convey the face of the Lord of glory, the compassionate Man of Sorrows, the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world?  When we see Him, we shall say that He is lovelier than the children of men.  He will be completely satisfying to our new heavenly eyes and our new heavenly hearts.

     When we see God and look upon the infinite beauty of Christ, we will be conscious that other inhabitants of heaven are crowding about us.  Wonder of wonders!  In the newness of life and radiance of spirit will be our earthly loveds ones which we "loved long since and lost awhile."   We shall be beside ourselves with joy.  Not only will our own intimate Christian relatives and friends be present, but also we shall have the remarkable ability to remember vividly everything about them.

     Others will be standing by to welcome us.  We shall know them with introduction.  There will be the Christian heroes and heroines of the centuries, giants of faith who lived and wrought God's will in their generations.  They, too, are resplendent in their robes of righteousness.  Do not be concerned about meeting them all at once.  There will be eons of eternity in which to become acquainted with the children of God of all ages "of all nations, and kindreds, and people and tongues."

     Instinctively we shall know there is a schedule of events to take place on earth and in Heaven.  The vast divine plan and purpose of God seem to be inscribed on our hearts.  We will know that the dear Lord is soon to return for the thrilling event we call the Rapture.  We will be aware of the righteous judgment of the Tribulation, the peace of the Millennium, the Great White Throne Judgment, and the coming new heavens and new earth.  During all these events, we will understand and honor the justice of our God.

     This understanding will probably come in a matter of minutes.  Actually, heaven does not reckon time by minutes.  Everyone lives in a great eternal NOW.  But if this is a sample, what will the endless ages of eternity be like?  Praise to His matchless name, there will be no disappointment in heaven for the Lamb is the Light thereof!

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