by William W. Orr, A.B., M.A., Th.B., D.D.. Pastor and Teacher.
The lovely story of creation is an accurate reliable account of the origin or our earth and of mankind. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In the fullness of time, He also made our first parents, Adam and Eve. Having planted an attractive, floral wonderland of a garden. He placed them in it.
The Lord did everything possible to make Adam and Eve content. They had each other as well as interesting work to engage their minds and hands. Their daily needs were supplied fully. Nothing ugly or evil spoiled the environment. To crown their bliss, God Himself entered into personal relationship with them, "waling in the cool of the day" in Eden.
But the Lord had made Adam and Eve rational creatures, endowed with the faculty of choice. The test of this power of choice was a forbidden tree in the midst of the garden.
God had faithfully, unequivocally warned that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was not to be touched. He had stated plainly that if our first parents touched it they would surely die. Here the story becomes exceedingly tragic. For the devil entered Eden. Eve, being deceived by him, ate of the forbidden fruit, then gave to Adam who, well aware of what he was doing, also partook. Thus both sinned as they disobeyed the command of God.
What happened? Did they die as God had warned? Certainly! The devil had raised the question and was proved to be a liar from the beginning. Adam and Eve died, but their death was spiritual. Whereas they had enjoyed incomparable fellowship with God Himself, now this communion was impossible. Separation between God and His creatures had taken place. The only way to approach God was by means of death. They had to kill an animal; its blood had to be poured out, foreshadowing the blood of that Redeemer who would die for the sins of the race. Only in this way could these disobedient creatures communicate with their Creator.
Thus death entered into the world (Rom. 5:12). All mankind was now spiritually dead. The seeds of physical death were also implanted in the human race. In due time, all men would die physically. More than that, if nothing were done to remove the power and curse of sin, men would die eternally as well.
Adam lived 930 years. That seems like a long time until we remember that a thousand years is but a day in God's sight (II Pet. 3:8). But God is gracious, and physical life was extended in order that the sons of men might receive the grace of God and learn how they might be pardoned for their sins and prepared for God's heaven.
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