Monday, January 03, 2011

POST 6 - What We Want to Know

by William W. Orr, A.B., M.A., Th.B., D.D.. Pastor and Teacher.

     We can observe what happens on the earthly side of death.  Sickness, accident, and old age furnish us with many examples of the process and procedure of death.  Sadly enough, death is often preceded by suffering, loss of faculties, mental lapses, and unconsciousness.  Frequently there is lingering illness.  Then again sometimes death comes as swiftly as an arrow, cutting down young and old.

     The earthly side of death is not pretty.  Health's bloom departs.  The body suffers loss of vitality.  The patient is put to bed; the physician comes and prescribes treatment.  Life ebbs and finally the last breath is drawn.  The patient is dead.  True, the body is there, but life is gone.  Where?

     This is what we want to know.  Can we know what happens immediately after death?  Is the instant of death painful?  Is the pathway one of darkness?  As the last, will there be an unspeakable fear?  In short, is death a terrifying experience?

     Many have declared that we cannot know anything about death in advance.  They point out that no one has returned from the portals of death.  But they are wrong.  Some who have died have come back to give their testimony.  Shortly, we shall consider what they have said of this experience.

     More than that, the Bible insists that it is the Book of all books.  If this is so -- and we believe that it is -- then with God as its  Author, we may expect to discover insights that are otherwise unknown, and unknowable.  For instance, in the Scriptures we have a record of the conference of the Godhead immediately prior to the creation of the first man (Gen. 1:26).  Also we have the account of the conversation between God and the devil about testing Job (Job 1:6-12).  The Word of God also provides a description of the celestial city of God even though as yet no one has seen it (Rev. 21:10-27).

     Therefore may we not have confidence that we shall be enlightened regarding what occurs the first five minutes after death?

     Our plan is to examine the facts relating to the deaths of several Bible characters.   We shall see exactly what happens to them as the Scriptures draw back a bit the curtain of life.  Then we shall apply this Bible doctrine to our present life.  As we do, the Holy Spirit will whisper a comforting and reassuring answer to our own hearts.

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