Wednesday, December 29, 2010

POST 16 - An Example -- Stephen
by William W. Orr, A.B., M.A., Th.B., D.D.. Pastor and Teacher.

    Stephen who name means crown, was a gifted layman in the early Church at Jerusalem.  He was chosen as a member of the first board of deacons (Acts 6:5).  God gave him certain abilities which he exercised among the people, along with his rather remarkable gifts of preaching and teaching (Acts 6:8).

     It is not unusual that such an outstanding testimony for Christ stirred up opposition.  Stephan's enemies organized a plot to do away with him.  He was brought before the high council, and false witnesses testified against him.  Undaunted, he faced the opposition and delivered such a brilliant, moving address that his enemies were convicted  and infuriated.  They rose up in a rage, dragged him out of the city, and stoned him to death.

     But Stephen's death was unique.  While still in the council chamber with all the shouting, cursing, and raging pandemonium going on around him, he looked up to heaven and saw the indescribable glory of God.  As his almost unbelieving eyes swept the heavenly scene, he beheld the Lord Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of the Father's throne.  Could it be that Christ stood to welcome home the first Christian martyr into the land of glory?  (Actsv7:55)
     At that moment, the angry mob surged toward Stephen, caught him in their murderous embrace, and dragged him out of the city where they stoned him.  What does a Christian do when his life is threatened?  The account tells us that this man of God called on Christ and committed his spirit to Him.  Then, unmindful of the death raining about him, he knelt down and, with a voice that could be heard above the loud noise, asked God that this sin might not be laid to their charge.

     Then Stephen died.  The account in Acts states that he "fell asleep."  Whether his death was from the stoning or from God's merciful release, we do not know.  No doubt the stones contined to fall on the spiritless body till the fury of the mob was spent.  Likely, too, afterward the sorrowing disciples took up the body and tenderly laid it away.

     But Stephen himself was whisked away to heaven.  He was indeed a glorious and triumphant entrance.  He had demonstrated what the Gospel of Christ could do in the lives of His followers.  He had shown how the love of Christ could be reproduced in the hearts of Christians.  He had proved that death -- even such a brutal death -- can be a victory for a Christian.

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