Wednesday, December 29, 2010

POST 18 - Death Opens Heaven's Doors

by William W. Orr, A.B., M.A., Th.B., D.D.. Pastor and Teacher.

The first five minutes after death will make several facts exceedingly clear.  First, the person who has departed this life will be completely conscious, alert and aware of everything that is happening to him.  Next, he will know of the two distinct destinies he has chosen.  The entire impact of his fate will at once be unmistakable clear.

   For a Christian, the moment of death is the doorway into a new glorious life that will never end.  Without exaggeration, we can be sure that heaven has joy inexpressible, bliss indescribable, and peace inexhaustible.  Who can describe the magnificence of God's home?  If earth is filled to capacity with the bounties of God's creative genius, surely heaven's beauty and splendor will be infinitely superior, surpassing all we can imagine.

     The Scriptures rather guardedly refer to a few of the wonder of that place.  It is described as a glistening jewel of a city, constructed of sparkling glold, its huge gates made of pearl.  It is a beautiful as a bride adorned for her husband (Rev. 21:2).

     Eventually there be a new earth from which all the scars of sin will be removed.  Here will be the exhibition of the limitless ability of our God.  New heavens will be there too.  Where is the tongue that can describe them?  The delightful adventures of God's children for eons to come will be to explored the almost countless galaxies of God's new handiwork and all the other wonders of His hand.

     Our heavenly Father tenderly remembers our weakness and our limitations.  So it is good news to learn that in heaven all pain, suffering, sorrow, and tears will be forever banished.  Life there will be lives to the fullest.  Separations and discouragements will be ended forever.  Never again will heartaches blight our lives.

     Fellowship will be the occupation of heaven.  We will actually see God.  In fact, the triune God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- will dwell with us and we with Him.  We will be privileged to wear His name in our foreheads.  Walking by faith will graduate into walking by sight.

     Saved loved ones will be there along with a great multitude of God's dear people whom we never knew on earth.  And this bliss will never end -- no, never.

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